Anonymous Poet

I try to write poetry
3 Posts
Moon & Sun

Moon & Sun

I am the moon and you are the sun. I always follow, yet I never stay. I leave, yet I always wait. I linger in your shadow, desiring a pause of your gaze, but you see others before me. Every day is a sorrow, scars reflecting my pain, the lights fading away. My size increasingly decreasing in your heart’s expanding, how could I stop? Is it bad to want love, dear? With time, will you forget me? I wish not to exist, cease this unbearable pain. I am lost in delusions, visions of you and me. You never let others…
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Time is not the same, Why am I pretending, To forget the pain, Would you even? . I see you everywhere, I cannot look at myself, For I hear your voice, Why did you leave me behind? . There is a bittersweet taste, In how things used to be, You left a space in my life,  It will forever be empty. . I knew your pain, Yet I could not imagine, How this cruel world,  Could take you from me, . Where did you go, Please tell me so, I cannot breathe, Without your presence here, . Burying my feelings,…
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Fall is the season of memories, For old possibilities resurface, On these grounds of renewing, Homages to the people we used to be, . Whether it is by being together, Or just remembering each other, Nostalgia starts to sink in, Of things we used to do as kids, . Trick-or-treating innocently, Laughter from all sides, Going from door to door, Acquiring confectionery until dark, . Carving pumpkins decorating, Lighting candles in our homes, Excitement leaving us sleepless, Painting our faces for show, . Do you remember, Who which now pretends to be, Someone shaped by society, For this time of…
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